A. Rifkin Company wants to ensure that all of your cash handling experiences are safe and secure! In addition to our our Keyless Security™ night deposit bag, our line of courier bags and our lock bag line including The Rifkin Safety Sac®, we also provide our customers with other types of security products.
Our ArcoTrack™ GPRS-based GPS bag tracking device is a great way to keep up with your cash bags, luggage, assets and even people, while they travel. In addition to our lock bag products, we also provide a line of security seals and labels to provide added security to your assets. The Keyless Security™ seals are to be used with our Keyless Security™ night deposit bag line.
We also manufacture a line of bank supplies to keep your money, documents and other valuables organized and protected. Our key control systems help to organize important keys such as those that go to locking deposit bags. We also offer medical records pouches, document jackets, as well as other types of cash bags and money bag accessories / bank supplies.